• Danny M@lemmy.escapebigtech.info
    10 months ago

    Let’s remember, fellas, that big tech is not a disease that needs to be eradicated. Let us not forget that Google is a legitimate corporation, not merely a group of professional stalkers. And let’s be clear: obviously you are the crazy ones for worrying about this, naturally…

    Pardon my jest; I was merely echoing the absurdities often heard.

    Maybe just maybe it’s time we stop with this garbage and actually stop using their services. Nothing will change if we keep using their services.

    The most direct and effective strategy to inspire reform in their practices is to stop using of their platforms. Each time we use a service from Google or any similar big tech entity, we inadvertently endorse their methods.

    YOU hold the power to change them by using FOSS alternatives instead.

    • Tattorack@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Yes, but the problem is the convenience.

      Google has made their services convenient, which is why everyone I like to watch content of posts their stuff on YouTube. Both alternive websites and the content on them is often of inferior quality and difficult to find.

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Actually, the main problem isn’t that they’ve made their services convenient. Most of them are inconvenient in multiple ways.

        The really big problem, the absolutely INSIDIOUS shit is how extremely inconvenient they’ve made using alternatives.

        Example: Google the search engine straight up sucks from an end user perspective now. Yet because it’s where over 90% of all search engine searches happen, it’s MORE inconvenient to use any other one, no matter how much better the algorithms and what have you.

        Same with YouTube: the user experience becomes worse and worse, but since it has a de facto near-monopoly of certain types of content from certain creators, best you can do is a custom frontend. Which they’re of course trying to make impossible ever since they removed the “Don’t” from their original informal slogan.