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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • So for those not familar with machine learning, which was the practical business use case for “AI” before LLMs took the world by storm, that is what they are describing as reinforcement learning. Both are valid terms for it.

    It’s how you can make an AI that plays Mario Kart. You establish goals that grant points, stuff to avoid that loses points, and what actions it can take each “step”. Then you give it the first frame of a Mario Kart race, have it try literally every input it can put in that frame, then evaluate the change in points that results. You branch out from that collection of “frame 2s” and do the same thing again and again, checking more and more possible future states.

    At some point you use certain rules to eliminate certain branches on this tree of potential future states, like discarding branches where it’s driving backwards. That way you can start opptimizing towards the options at any given time that get the most points im the end. Keep the amount of options being evaluated to an amount you can push through your hardware.

    Eventually you try enough things enough times that you can pretty consistently use the data you gathered to make the best choice on any given frame.

    The jank comes from how the points are configured. Like AI for a delivery robot could prioritize jumping off balconies if it prioritizes speed over self preservation.

    Some of these pitfalls are easy to create rules around for training. Others are far more subtle and difficult to work around.

    Some people in the video game TAS community (custom building a frame by frame list of the inputs needed to beat a game as fast as possible, human limits be damned) are already using this in limited capacities to automate testing approaches to particularly challenging sections of gameplay.

    So it ends up coming down to complexity. Making an AI to play Pacman is relatively simple. There are only 4 options every step, the direction the joystick is held. So you have 4n states to keep track of, where n is the number of steps forward you want to look.

    Trying to do that with language, and arguing that you can get reliable results with any kind of consistency, is blowing smoke. They can’t even clearly state what outcomes they are optimizing for with their “reward” function. God only knows what edge cases they’ve overlooked.

    My complete out of my ass guess is that they did some analysis on response to previous gpt output, tried to distinguish between positive and negative responses (or at least distinguish against responses indicating that it was incorrect). They then used that as some sort of positive/negative points heuristic.

    People have been speculating for a while that you could do that, crank up the “randomness”, have it generate multiple responses behind the scenes and then pit those “pre-responses” against each other and use that criteria to choose the best option of the “pre-responses”. They could even A/B test the responses over multiple users, and use the user responses as further “positive/negative points” reinforcement to feed back into it in a giant loop.

    Again, completely pulled from my ass. Take with a boulder of salt.

  • Does anyone else remember Microsoft’s amazingly tone deaf slide deck about how integrating their systems and making thing seamless across multiple platforms including mobile phones and laptops would allow people to work during any/every spare moment in their lives, like while commuting?

    Businesses want to own every moment of your life not strictly required for continued existence. If they can normalize using sleep time for extra “passive” income by using your dream power or by just renting out “spare” brain computation power, they will.

  • Expecting any part of the brain to work that simply is foolish. We already know that REM sleep does a lot of the lifting for forming long term memories and processing complex input from your waking hours. Not to mention the importance of it for actual rest/recharging so you aren’t an exhausted zombie all the time.

    Sounds like a wonderful idea to just fuck around with that.

  • Fair enough. Just always seemed like a weird repeated sticking point.

    For anyone looking to buy it cheaper, look for OEM key resellers. It’s the discounted price for companies preinstalling Windows. You can only install it on one device though, instead of whatever “multiple install grace window” they allow normally.

    For anyone wanting it for free, MASgrave utilizes some sort of loophole with an official licensing method meant for corporations to get Microsoft to grant you a valid official license key for free. Microsoft can’t go back and somehow differentiate these keys from paid legit ones, so there’s no risk. Just make sure you’re getting MASgrave from their official source on github so there isn’t any malware snuck in. It also has some functionality for Office licenses as well.

    Also worth noting that with effort, you can excise the overwhelming majority of the anti-consumer bullshit from Windows. Not really accessible to the average joe though, real easy to break shit or not disable things properly so they get re-enabled through updates.

  • Wow, that headline is significantly overstated. This has nothing to do with “understanding” or “reality”. Like holy shit this is an absurd leap from what they actually state in the abstract. Thanks OP for including it in the “preview” here.

    Given a number of “starting states” and “ending states” of 2D grid based “environments”, an LLM is able to return increasing accurate “between states” as it is trained.

    Neat! Not an understanding of reality. At the biggest stretch it is an “understanding” of an incredibly constrained problem space.

  • What? Huh? The fuck are you even trying to say with that first paragraph and what connection does it have with my comment?

    My point was that for someone calling people still willing to use Windows stupid, your lack of knowledge about the actual cost (and how almost no user is paying the full cost) makes you look incompetent at best.

    There was precisely zero there lamenting Microsoft missing out on money. Check my host lemmy instance, it’s the piracy one. There’s a reason I name dropped the best open source tool for tricking Windows into thinking you have a valid license. Steal your OS, I don’t give a fuck. The only “validly” licensed personal machine I have is my main desktop, and only because it was my first time doing a manual customized Win 10 install so I didn’t want to fuck around with faking the license to save myself $20 for an OEM license.

    Which brings me to my next point. For someone being so bull headedly elitist about how bad Windows is, and how smart they are, you’re completely unaware of how easy it is to make Windows work for you and disable all the user hostile shit like ads.

    It’s called install the Pro version of the OS and use Group Policy manager. 90% of the settings are clearly labeled in there too, like “Disable Cortana Internet Search”, “Disable OneDrive integration”.

  • Good job being so smart, mama’s little smart man! You still have to eat your veggies before you can have any dessert though!

    More seriously, the overwhelming majority of businesses use Windows as their end user facing desktop OSes. You’re legitimately just being a myopic asshat if you think that Windows can’t be trusted for anything important. (Inb4 you bring up Crowdstrike, which wasn’t a Windows specific issue, but a “we have code running at kernel level” issue, and hit Linux roughly three months prior to the big clusterfuck)

    Also, your bit about $150 cost for the OS is dumb too. The average user is buying a prebuilt with the OS preinstalled. Technically they are paying for it, but it’s a wacky discounted OEM license fee baked into the full cost. Anyone not buying a rig with Windows preinstalled can use it unlicensed, can transfer license from pretty much any older Windows OS install from the last 20 years, can just use massgrave to activate it for free, or could go buy a discounted OEM license that they can only install to one machine. The full price license allows for install on multiple machines, which you don’t really need.

    My point is, very few people are paying full price for a Windows license.

    Full disclosure, I agree that Microsoft is a shit company. But this elitist shit is just stupid. Especially when it’s almost pure posturing.

  • A tangentially related but good example of this sort of thing is BluRays and community movie nights (like setting up a projector in a park).

    Most of these movie nights are de facto illegal, as even though you own the BluRay, it is not licensed for public showings, just for personal use. Obviously no one gives enough of a shit to enforce this against small groups, especially if they aren’t making money off it, but if a theater started offering showings of shit the owner just bought on BluRay or UHD disks, it wouldn’t last too long.

    Similar thing here. Just because you can access the content to view it yourself doesn’t mean you have the rights to do more than that with it. As an individual, you’re likely fine to break those rules. As a giant fucking corporation, it’s time for you to pay up.