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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m not claiming iPhones are superior. I don’t care about dumb OS wars, just don’t put things on your phone expecting that they can’t be retrieved. That’s the only point I’m trying to make here.

    And the keys absolutely would give them access since those keys are used to sign Apple software which runs with enough privileges to access the encryption keys stored in the “Secure Enclave”. Anything you entrust to a company’s software is only as secure as the company wants to make it, and the only company to publicly resist granting that acces is Apple (so far)

  • They’re exploiting vulnerabilities and back doors not brute forcing your passcode. The only way you’re keeping them out is with hardware encryption which the iPhone has and probably why it’s the only one not vulnerable. Hardware encryption also won’t matter if your vendor shares their keys with law enforcement. As far as I’m aware, Apple is the only one that’s gone to court and successfully defended their right to refuse access to encryption keys.

    Don’t put anything incriminating on your phones.

  • The part you’re missing is the metadata. AI (neural networks, specifically) are trained on the data as well as some sort of contextal metadata related to what they’re being trained to do. For example, with reddit posts they would feed things like “this post is popular”, “this post was controversial”, “this post has many views”, etc. in addition to the post text if they wanted an AI that could spit out posts that are likely to do well on reddit.

    Quantity is a concern; you need to reach a threshold of data which is fairly large to have any hope of training an AI well, but there are diminishing returns after a certain point. The more data you feed it the more you have to potentially add metadata that can only be provided by humans. For instance with sentiment analysis you need a human being to sit down and identify various samples of text with different emotional responses, since computers can’t really do that automatically.

    Quality is less of a concern. Bad quality data, or data with poorly applied metadata will result in AI with less “accuracy”. A few outliers and mistakes here and there won’t be too impactful, though. Quality here could be defined by how well your training set of data represents the kind of input you’ll be expecting it to work with.