TFO Winder

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 6th, 2024


  • Here are some lines from article.

    The Fediverse will soon have power on the social web to shape its future, but only through and in the interaction with Meta. This is the reality the Fediverse has to start arranging itself with

    it will shape the web in the next couple of years and that means, it would be a good idea to study it. At first, it could look like an unfair battle, but in fact, Meta has some weaknesses as well just as the Fediverse has some advantages.

    Also: Meta is playing for time: the Copernican revolution of the social progresses merciless, and they can only somewhat control the consequences of this. At the same time, the open Fediverse will also have to be willing for this indirect coalition with Meta and if they will do that is nowhere near certain.

    What a load of crap

  • Android is open source platform, you don’t need Google for Android.

    Android gives you a base system so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel while creating an operating system. All phone manufacturers build on Android to create OS for their mobile.

    Googles monopoly is because a lot of things we benifit from Android is cross compatibility of devices from different companies which is facilitated by Google - Play Store, Etc.

    This monopoly of Google is not forced but domination of it in Android space since the very beginning.

    Anyone can create an OS without Google services but it would be very less useful compared to Android with Google services, because of lack of compatibility.