Professional software engineer, musician, gamer, stoic, democratic socialist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • How exactly do you debug code when your build process is separate from your code editor? Having to compile my code, run it until I find a bug, then open it up in a debugger and start it all over sounds extremely inefficient.

    There’s a lot of incorrect assumptions baked into this. While you may choose to invoke your debugger separately from your editor, many modern editors support the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). This is a protocol developed by Microsoft for VSCode, and the VSCode debugger is quite powerful. I’ve only used Visual Studio many years ago, but from what I recall, the VSCode DAP is essentially just as powerful. And if you’re not interested in VSCode, the Helix editor and probably NeoVim also support DAP.

    how to make the transition from a Visual Studio user to a Linux programmer

    You are also coming in with the constraint of programming in C++. For this specific language, I think I agree with others here that either CLion or VSCode+CodeLLDB are your best options today. Maybe after you get comfortable in the Linux environment, if you want to try something more keyboard-centric, install a Vim emulation plugin or even jump right into Helix or NeoVim.

  • So… dev blames skill issues on language? Classic.

    EDIT: For the record, I’m not saying the author is bad at Rust. I’m saying they’re bad at making games and balancing tradeoffs. They keep saying that they don’t like rust because they just want to worry about making a game, not fighting the language. And yet, they seem to continually make decisions that favor performance over ergonomics. Then they whine about how the Rust community is supposedly pressuring them to make bad decisions.