Yes but you apply it freely to anyone who is left of liberal… not my or the wiki definition.
Buddhist, researcher, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested.
Trying to be nice. I really dislike the Reddit style aggressive comments. If you are rude I will block and ban you.
Yes but you apply it freely to anyone who is left of liberal… not my or the wiki definition.
Maybe you should balance it out with a more nuanced take. Not everyone who is left of a liberal is pro dictator. Tankie is typically a term liberals who doesn’t understand leftisms use to group it all together with a derogatory meaning.
There are certainly brain dead bootlicking marxists or MLM’s but someone who thinks a communist or ML utopian society is possible is not a tankie.
I would say a tankie is more authoritarian apologist, but it is more meaningless than anything.
Idk to expect a serious reply though ;)
You sure like throwing around the tankie term a lot :/ is this your alt? Whyre you two posting the exact same content 😭
L for Linus