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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I agree that alternative app stores are definitely a boon and I can’t wait for the EU to nail Apple to the wall over dragging their feet on that. Competition is good and that 30% fee monopoly is bullshit.

    There are iOS terminal clients (I like Termius). The ROM thing, yeah… I installed /e/OS on my Fairphone 4 just for the privacy aspect, but functionally it’s not better or worse than what came in the box. There might be reasons to do it but utility-wise I don’t very well see the point in this day and age.

    I hadn’t thought of the developer license requirement to run your own software, I personally don’t do that but I can see it being a deal breaker. Thanks for your thoughts. :)

  • I think you are very much over-valuing how much companies care about FOSS in production.

    I’m not. I specifically mentioned externalising responsibility is a legitimate business strategy. I corrected the statement I made in anger and the thrust of the follow up’s point is that if you decide to go with commercially backed FOSS the possibility of a rug pull should factor into the financial prospects of whatever you’re doing in the long term.

    I develop the infrastructure part of a product for a living and the product as a whole is expected to be supported by us for up to 10 years. If a vendor decides to switch up licensing half way through that lifecycle I’d be weary to continue business. VMware is a great example, they switched from perpetual to subscription after the Broadcom sale went through. We are looking at alternatives.

    edit: Also, using FOSS as part of your solution doesn’t necessarily imply you have to take up it’s development. Depending on a community is also an option (although ethically I’d say it’d be nice to push improvements back).