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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • Relevant for me; i nearly changed careers out of tech entirely – being fed up with the state of the industry – but found some great folks in worker cooperative spaces. Here’s what’s kept me optimistic:


    Plucked a vid off this channel and let it be known the idea of the channel name is to “reject isms/be your own ism”

    Solarpunk has replaced, for me, the plasteel+glass greenhouse skyscraper skylines. Afrofuturism offers a much better preconfiguration than anything of capitalist and anglo origins. Importantly, the dismantling of unjust heirarchies.

    I never lost the optimism, i just recognized that the root cause of our pain is not going to be addressed by technnlology (new invention) without an equal-or-greater effort into decolonizing and unlearning on the part of those building, using and promoting a given technology.

  • I didnt bring stalin up. The comment i was replying to misattributed (or “sounds like”'d, if you prefer) a quote from Zuckerberg to Stalin. That read to me as right-wing rhetoric, pushing red scare, equating Communism, the society which is classes, moneyless, stateless, and flattening that concept into “been-tried-already-Stalin’s-Tyranny”

    Which is pretty gross considering the big picture; the extensive harm which not only Zuck/ FB has done, not only by technocratic bro billionaires and corpo-owner social media as a trend, but the overall economic system and specifically imperial-colonial project which it is an extension of (colonizing of minds and thought, of our attention, to advertise to, for quarterly profit and power coupons) – all the while doing their best to promote apathy.

    To prefigure a betted society, we must be able to dream. The only thing doomerism does is give the owning class that apathy while they bulldoze over Sudan, Palestine, Rojava

    Or at least thats how I see. All of the power and pleasure to all of the people. Hope that clears things up.