Cassette Beasts? TemTem? Digimon? Saying no attempts to fill it were made is disgenuine
Cassette Beasts? TemTem? Digimon? Saying no attempts to fill it were made is disgenuine
Meanwhile if you’re an ad-blocking app…
As a former chrome user it’s so real. Chrome connects every device for you and once you ARE in the loop it’s hard to leave it. Wanna switch to Firefox? Oops suddenly your authentication doesn’t work anymore. Oh what about those useful Google logins tied to everything now? Good luck with that.
It took me huge effort to switch off chromium based browsers because the longer you use chrome, the more it worms it’s way into all your services making it harder and harder to switch. I still can’t figure out how to seperate my Yahoo account from my Gmail account
A huge reason I left is realising that if google decided I broke their TOS on something like say, YouTube ad blocking, they can just terminate by Google account and every service attached to it suddenly becomes unusable. I’d rather not be taken hostage like that
Edit: for all the wise people in the comments. I was trying to decouple entirely from Google products, not just chrome
Reasons not to federate with threads
No one is gonna buy any NFTs for millions lmao
Probably devs, updates, the verification and review process for music, reports. Apparently they also create playlists by hand.
The annoying ads also won’t create themselves. There’s a lot of effort being put into making them as annoying as possible actually.
I actually encountered the opposite. A site I’ve been using for roughly 7 years actually has massive issues on chrome that makes it unusable.
On Firefox? No problem at all.
China will make you disappear for many things including speaking up against the genocide of religious minorities ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
oh I was never really desiring 3D pokémon in the first place so I suppose that coincides with my misunderstanding