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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • “very better”? Anyway…

    It won’t last. Right now it’s new, but ultimately it will become an actual initiation ritual to knock it down, or perhaps a harder version to steal something out from under its nose. It doesn’t know who you are if you wear a mask (or stay out of its line or sight) and don’t carry something broadcasting your IP.

    This looks like just security theater.

    Meanwhile, aren’t cameras cheap? If let’s say hundreds of those were sprinkled around, maybe behind an opaque substance so you could also put up 10-100x more of them but 9/10ths being fake, and you swap them around occasionally, that might not be perfect either but could work better than a robot offering a nice, easy, fun target to play with, just like in video games. (Nobody ever enjoys video games these days though, do they?)

  • I meant like a daily usage situation - e.g. working from a terminal, running MacVim, and things like Firefox and Slack etc. all work fine from a Mac - but I don’t self-host, and I run actual Mac OSX itself, so my answers may be of limited utility to you.

    If someone else is reading this I would look into running a Jellfin server from a machine running Linux, which can be connected to from a device running iOS or Android or whatever they want - but your kodi+mpd already sounds like it should do the trick.

    Hopefully you can avoid running Mac OSX itself, but if that’s not possible then perhaps at worst you could get a machine that does that and then partially isolate it on the network? (though that is beyond my skillset:-)

    For TV I just an ancient ChromeCast (iirc it’s a first-generation even!) and that works from everything (ironically one of the harder solutions was from Samsung mobile, though even ancient iPads have apps that will make it happen). I worry about when my TV and especially the ChromeCast dies what will I do - it will take so much time to investigate a replacement, it seems all/most of the newer solutions are trying to inject ads or whatever into the stream, or even just not working as simply as the old. Mine is security through obscurity, which only works for so long until the hardware flat wears out:-).

    And I barely have a backup solution - just a single SSD that I put stuff onto when I think about it, and is aging so when it too wears out… I have so much catching up that I need to do, I’m setting myself up for pain most likely:-(. But also I tend to “stream” most things rather than “download”, so my need for thus is extremely much smaller.

  • Wrt things like this, and climate change, the rise of fascism globally, the outsourcing of jobs, etc., people should be much more afraid than they are currently.

    I think people used to be thus during the cold war era, yet WWIII never materialized and people are just burnt out from being told that they need to be afraid all the time - e.g. those school drills where kids knelt down and placed heads behind the backs of their necks, like that would somehow stop an atomic bomb?

    Now, “nothing bad can ever happen”, even as we see heat spikes of 100 degrees in the Arctic and the 4 globally hottest days ever recorded were all last week, on top of 14 straight months of record-setting temps too. The octogenarian leaders whose fingers can’t even type on a mobile phone somehow “lead” our nation even in areas like technology. Note: I am not getting on their case for being chronologically old or even not knowing things (ignorance is easily cured), I am condemning them for choosing to remain in their ignorance (obstinacy), even while retaining their positions of power & authority (corruption) rather than cede to those who actually know stuff.

    I have no problems with someone choosing not to learn about difficult matters - e.g. vaccinations - but in that case, don’t vote. Your choices to be lazy & willfully uninformed should not dictate mine to remain alive.

    Yeah I went off on a tangent here, b/c Altman is simply one more example of all that has come before - e.g. Huffman and Musk did it before him, and Bezos before that, and so on, and it will fucking never end. Protect yourself as best you can… somehow. e.g. coming to the Fediverse (which soon, with Sublinks and Piefed, will offer alternatives beyond just Lemmy) seems a great first step to me:-).