The Bible stopped being a real guide for American Christians the moment they landed on our coast
Ya it’ll be a cold day in hell before Instagram requires men to hide their nipples. Just shows how ingrained America’s views on sex, sexuality and gender are in Christianity.
Why make crazy amounts of money on a stationary bike only once? When you can every time they want to use the bike? Capitalism innovation for the win baby!!!
I’m so glad they are focusing on the things we really need
I want a dumb TV!
And doesn’t the AI learn from real images?
But the ad blocking algorithm can notice the jump cut, (simple audio/video/meta data.) irregularities and then just jump forward to the regular video.
I don’t see how they’ll stop these without majorly changing the functionality of the site. Most just load the none ad portions of the video. I don’t understand how they’ll prevent that.
I said my liberal city. Wasn’t contrasting it to anything.
Can’t wait until my liberal city finishes our city owned isp. You can’t trust business to be in control of essential services
Let’s cut all the things that made us great!
Yup it’s for “advertising” say for example the Army wants to know which areas have the most fighting aged men. So posters and recruiters know where to hang out. (this is the most extreme example.)
Your life is meaningless compared to a companies profits. Rather than scaping a plane that has already killed over 300 people, they want you to trust that these planes are now safe. No way in hell would any rational person step foot on a max 9. Any plane made by them should be worry some as well. Airbus proves more regulations is beneficial to industry