I like women, femboys and girl cock.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • If they never release the source, including all the fpga verilog files then this is pointless to the open source community.

    Edit: actually I just realized my comment is kind of pointless. Even if he released the fpga source code, a thing a lot of projects like these never do, it still wouldn’t be possible to reproduce one of these using only free and open source software. This is because the only fpgas that let you program them using open source software and not a locked-down windows-only bloatfuck program that needs an internet connection and licensing are the lattice ice40 fpgas. Tl;dr this can’t be fully “open source”.

    I wonder if it would be possible to make an ice 40 based video card that could still do opengl.

  • Idk, more and more people are switching to mac and ditching windows. If their m1 thing continues being successful they’re going to have a more severe monopoly than Microsoft ever did. It’s one thing to patch Microsoft’s half ass attempts to embrace extend destroy Linux but that isn’t going to work out as well anymore once all the mainstream stuff is quarantined to an entire different cpu architecture and computers that no longer use off the shelf parts.

    Luckily the only software they really have right now that Linux doesn’t is that s tier video editor and then no one wants to use their stupid Metal graphic acceleration so games are going to have a hard time taking off as well. Too bad most people think “command lines are too hard”.

    The common person is going to lose access to computers as we know them today if Apple wins. If it gets to the point where the only modem mainstream systems left are M1 macs, everything computer related is going to get 10x as expensive. $1000 for a potato ass MacBook Air is already obnoxious but when that’s the only choice, that potato ass MacBook Air is going to cost $10k.

  • Gaming though. The gaming situation on non-x86 cpus is passable at best. AFAIK you can’t put a 4070ti in any non x86 system right now and have it work. Are there even any commercially available non-x86 systems that have pcie 16x slots?

    The death of x86 is inevitable I just hope we can still play computer games on cheaper homebuilt systems afterwards because having to replace your entire system just to upgrade the integrated non upgradable gpu is no longer better or cheaper than consoles. I absolutely fucking doubt even indie developers, let alone others are going to downgrade graphics to let their games run on cheaper systems when this happens and everything becomes 10x more expensive.