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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • There is no such thing as a free service.

    People need to eat, bills need to be paid, shelter needs to be provided and unless people can have these at no expense and create things for pure passion & share for others to enjoy then they need the means to pay for these things.

    The internet has whittled this down to a few basic models:

    • Pay the service directly for the content (subscriptions or 1 time purchases)
    • ‘Free’ content and they serve you ads which they are paid for by companies trying to sell something to you
    • ‘Free’ content and they sell every bit of data they can scrape from you to companies which are again, trying to sell something to you.

    If you could find a way to do anything without having to pay for our human needs then would it be a trillion dollar idea or would money be meaningless now when people wouldnt need it to live & enjoy their lives?

  • Did you ever work with or cover parking areas in your job/studies?

    I have always wanted to know, when there are carparks (the open style rows of bays such as outside of grocery/big box stores) why do they never use angled bays? I figure it came down to the difference between something like 100 available parking spaces instead of 96 with losses in corners or something.
    It baffles me that with how much easier it is for everyone to both pull into and reverse out of an angled bay why they dont just sacrifice a couple bays in return for increased traffic flow and less dings.

    Also if they are in a herringbone pattern between adjacent rows it means that people cant just ‘pull through’ one bay into the next row and destroy any landscaping that may be between the two (i see strips of nicely mulched landscaping with small shrubs destroyed everywhere in my city from dickheads that dont give a fuck).