Found the Apple marketing person.
Found the Apple marketing person.
Kinda like the fucking TV screens they have on gas pumps for the sole fucking purpose of shoving ads down the throat of captive audiences.
Yes but image copyright is fickle thing, because at what point does it become not a copyrighted image? I have to reference the “Ship of Theseus” thought experiment, because it does sort of apply here. A fictional character cannot be drawn from a first hand perspective, so some sort of copyrighted image HAS to be used as a reference. So where does one draw the line?
I have a question for the author of this stupid fucking article. What the fuck do you think half of the artists on the planet do? They use copyrighted images as reference when drawing fictional characters and they often end up looking very similar to the original. There are thousands of people on social media that sell these drawings on a regular basis.
I wish more of the larger subs were still protesting and didn’t roll over so easily. But regardless the site has taken a massive hit to its reputation and one can only hope that recovery won’t be possible moving forward and it screws them out of their chance to go public.
In other words, the in depth reporting and niche shows aren’t making enough money, so we’re going to dump all that shit and jump on the reality TV bandwagon.