• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Yah, I see your battery density graph and the batteries in question would blow a hole in that chart, and several charts above it.

    I’m not sure if we are looking at the same chart. The chart goes up to 500 Wh/kg, the same as this new Samsung battery as per the original article. It’s may well be the same battery that gives the chart that value, but notice the years prior it gets higher and higher up to that value.

    It might be 10 years away from being the mainstream battery but the battery technology that was 10 years away 9 years ago is almost here.

    What makes you think that’s “sudden”?

    I was meaning how EVs created a consumer market for huge batteries where prior to that the biggest battery in your house might have been a power tool. But you’re right, there was a premium market for emerging battery tech and it increases along a scale like anything else.

  • I’m still not sure that answers it. If I fork a project, and the upstream project commits an API key (after I’ve forked it), then they delete the commit, does this commit stay available to me (unexpected behaviour)? Or is it only if I sync that commit into my repo while it’s in the upstream repo (expected behaviour)?

    Or is it talking about this from a comment here:

    Word of caution 2: The commit can still be accessible directly via SHA1. Force push does not delete the commit, it creates a new one and moves the file pointer to it. To truly delete a commit you must delete the whole repo.

    Someone replies and said by having garbage collection kick in it removes this unconnected commit, but it’s not clear to me whether this works for github or just the local git repo.

    Perhaps the issue is that these commits are synced into upstream/downstream repos when synced when they should not be?

    Like I said, I’m really confused about the specifics of this.

  • The article is really not clear. Is it saying if a project is forked, then the original is made private, the fork can access data from the private fork?

    potentially enabling malicious actors to access sensitive information such as API keys and secrets even after users think they’ve deleted it.

    Is this saying people misunderstand git and think committing a deletion makes people unable to access the previous version? Or is it saying the sharing between public and private repos can expose keys in private repos?

    If you accidentally commit an API key into a public repository… you need to roll that key. Even if it was deleted completely, someone still could have accessed it while it was there.