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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Then you should have said that in the beginning and there’d be no argument. Only then this have nothing to do with all these bullshit companies, because what they are doing is snake oil, not “AI”.

    I’m with you on the current use of machine learning being snake oil but I never said anything about ML. I’m not sure how my first post was unclear. You just made a lot of assumptions.

    According to Google I am using the term correctly.

    AI is the broader concept of enabling a machine or system to sense, reason, act, or adapt like a human

    ML is an application of AI that allows machines to extract knowledge from data and learn from it autonomously

    Edit: I was apparently too tired to see that you wrote machine learning in your initial reply

    Edit 2: I feel like this discussion has gone way off topic and I am done with it. The OP claimed that we will not see real self-driving cars within our lifetime and I disagree with that

  • Blue LED-lights, the TV, radio, airplanes, the personal computer, the light bulb, nuclear fission, optical microscopes, shooting lasers for an aptosecond are among some thing previously thought to be impossible to do.

    Who said anything about Steve Jobs? I never mentioned anyone specific and as you say, there are many people that would make that list.

    I would consider the “experts” and laymen with a sceptical attitude towards innovation to be nay-sayers.

    I think it’s weird how so many people suddenly became experts on AI as soon as OpenAI released ChatGPT.

    I don’t like the current trend of companies putting half-assed AI in to everything. AI is the new buzzword to bring in hype. But that doesn’t mean I can not see the value it can potentially bring in the future once it’s more developed. The developments within the AI-field has only just begun.

    My use of the word AI is very broad. I am not saying that ChatGPT could drive a car. But I 100% believe that we will have self-driving cars before I die of old age.

  • Did you even read what this is about?

    The European Commission used its statement to detail its concern “that Microsoft may have granted Teams a distribution advantage by not giving customers the choice whether or not to acquire access to Teams when they subscribe to their SaaS productivity applications. This advantage may have been further exacerbated by interoperability limitations between Teams’ competitors and Microsoft’s offerings. The conduct may have prevented Teams’ rivals from competing, and in turn innovating, to the detriment of customers in the European Economic Area.”

  • “The Microsoft-powered bot says bosses can take workers’ tips and that landlords can discriminate based on source of income”

    Well it ain’t wrong. Business can absolutely do that and do absolutely do that. If they get caught they get a slap on the wrist and that’s it.

    As long as the punishment does not match the crime the American society will never get better. This is why proper rules, regulations and oversight needs to be in place. The “free” market will never do the right thing on its own.