Almost five years ago, Saoirse “boats” wrote “Notes on a smaller Rust”, and a year after that, revisited the idea.

The basic idea is a language that is highly inspired by Rust but doesn’t have the strict constraint of being a “systems” language in the vein of C and C++; in particular, it can have a nontrivial (or “thick”) runtime and doesn’t need to limit itself to “zero-cost” abstractions.

What languages are being designed that fit this description? I’ve seen a few scripting languages written in Rust on GitHub, but none of them have been very active. I also recently learned about Hylo, which does have some ideas that I think are promising, but it seems too syntactically alien to really be a “smaller Rust.”

Edit to add: I think Graydon Hoare’s post about language design choices he would have preferred for Rust also sheds some light on the kind of things a hypothetical “Rust-like but not Rust” language could do differently:

    8 months ago

    You mean a interpretative language with similar role to Python, but more like Rust/C++ style? I actually want that so that I can ditch Python even if I learned it and use this instead.

    • BatmanAoD@programming.devOP
      8 months ago

      Not necessarily interpreted, but possibly. I think a more likely path is something like Go that’s compiled but still has a garbage collector.

        8 months ago

        If you use a garbage collector the whole borrow checker would not make any sense.

        Do you want to have error handling and functional paradigms in go? I think you should start there and ask go Devs why their language is lacking such basic stuff.

          8 months ago

          Not sure if this is what OP is seeking, but I would be fine to have borrow checker removed, replaced with Garbage collector like Go/Python in such a language.

          To build prototypes, I don’t want to fight with borrow checker and neither I care for efficiency much. But I do want the macro system, traits, lazily asynchronous runtime, cargo like package manager, easy build system, etc.

          Rust has so many powerful features, but only because of borrow checker (IMO) we can’t use it for rapid prototyping like Python. With that replaced, this subset of Rust would be something which can be a great contender to Python/Go, etc.

            8 months ago

            Why would you want to prototype incorrect code? You don’t fight with the borrow checker. The borrow checker prevents stupid mistakes. Anything that is correct that the borrow checker rejects is almost certainly a very bad idea in a prototype

    8 months ago

    Why would you want that? What is wrong with python if you want an interpreted language with garbage collection? By contrast what is wrong with rust + a lot of crates (or C++/Ada/…) if you want a compiled language?

    Zero cost abstractions are great because speed is very important for complex problems. Little things here and there make for modern computers that feel slower than my old 8 bit atari when trying to get work done.

    8 months ago

    can have a nontrivial (or “thick”) runtime and doesn’t need to limit itself to “zero-cost” abstractions.

    Wouldn’t that be a bigger rust rather than a smaller one?

    Not an area I’m particularly interested in, given that I do embedded and hard realtime development. Rust is the best language for that now, I just which allocations were fallible as well. And storage/allocator API was stabilised.

    • BatmanAoD@programming.devOP
      8 months ago

      Not unless you consider Go a “bigger” language than Rust. The blog post means “smaller” in terms of what the user has to learn and think about, rather than smaller in implementation size or resulting binary.

        8 months ago

        I would indeed consider Go a bigger language, because I do indeed think in terms of the size of the runtime.

        But your way of defining it also makes sense. Though in those terms I have no idea if Go is smaller or not (as I don’t know Go).

        But Rust is still a small language by this definition, compared to for example C++ (which my day job still involves to a large extent). It is also much smaller than Python (much smaller standard library to learn). Definitely smaller than Haskell. Smaller than C I would argue (since there are leas footguns to keep in mind), though C has a smaller standard library to learn.

        What other languages do I know… Erlang, hm again the standard library is pretty big, so rust is smaller or similar size I would argue. Shell script? Well arguably all the Unix commands are the standard library, so that would make shell script pretty big.

        So yeah, rust is still a pretty small language compared to all other languages I know. Unsafe rust probably isn’t, but I have yet to need to write any (except one line to work around AsRawFd vs AsFd mismatch between two libraries).

        • BatmanAoD@programming.devOP
          8 months ago

          Go is a “small” language in the sense that it has an exceptionally small number of concepts (i.e. features and syntactic constructs); someone else in this thread made a comment to the effect that it takes almost no time to learn because there’s nothing to learn if you’ve already learned a different language. This is of course an exaggeration, but only slightly: Go was very intentionally and explicitly designed to be as simple as possible to learn and to use. As an example, it famously had no support for generics until almost 10 years after its 1.0 release. I think that when talking about the size of a language, some people do include the standard library while others don’t; Go has quite a large standard library, but you don’t actually have to learn the whole library or even be aware of what’s available in order to be productive.

          I personally don’t think it makes sense to include the standard library in the “size” of a language for the purpose of this thread, or Boats’ original blog posts. The fundamental point is about the learning curve of the language and the amount of work it takes to produce working code, and a large standard library tends to be more convenient, not less. Common functionality that isn’t in Rust’s standard library tends to come from libraries that become almost ubiquitous, such as serde, regex, crossbeam, and itertools. From the user’s perspective, this isn’t much more or less complicated than having the same functionality available via the standard library. (Of course, a large standard library certainly makes languages more difficult to implement and/or specify; if I recall correctly, about half the size of the C++ standard is dedicated to the standard library.)

          I don’t really know how to fairly compare the “size” of Rust and C++, partly because Rust is so much younger, and several C++ “features” overlap with each other or are attempts to replace others (e.g. brace-initialization as a replacement for parentheses). But I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone claim that C++ is “small” or “minimal” in this sense, so it’s in no way a good point of comparison for determining whether Rust is “small”.

          Edit to add: for what it’s worth, if I weren’t quoting Boats’ blog post (which is sort of the “canonical” post on this concept), I probably would have opted for “simpler (to learn & use)” rather than “smaller.”