What I don’t get is HOW people shops on Amazon, their search engine is the shittiest I’ve seen in a long time: “you searched for AMD RX1234 video card; here is a RX1235, a RX1024, and another one from a completely different brand! People also searched for other that is maybe related to that”
For sure; you’d have better luck finding product listings from another search engine their own search. I feel like it used to be better. Years ago, it would return exactly what I searched for, but not today. I think that was before 3rd party resellers were as common as today though
What I don’t get is HOW people shops on Amazon, their search engine is the shittiest I’ve seen in a long time: “you searched for AMD RX1234 video card; here is a RX1235, a RX1024, and another one from a completely different brand! People also searched for other that is maybe related to that”
For sure; you’d have better luck finding product listings from another search engine their own search. I feel like it used to be better. Years ago, it would return exactly what I searched for, but not today. I think that was before 3rd party resellers were as common as today though